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Let's Talk About Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Let's Talk About Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, also known as Love Stone, is associated with unconditional love and healing of heart. The supposed “Love Stone”, rose quartz is a crystal that exhibits a calm pink color. It is one of the most empowering and nurturing stones.A calming gemstone that’s a symbol of love, rose quartz can be found in jewelry for couples celebrating their anniversary or dating for many years. As the February birthstone, rose quartz is ideal for anyone looking to make a romantic statement. The calming and soothing energy of rose quartz will assist you in any emotional relationship.  Rose Quartz is a...

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Ways to Cleanse your Crystals

Ways to Cleanse your Crystals

Cleansing your crystals before using and regularly is necessary as they will pick up negative energies or vibrations and will need to be cleansed again and re-energised. 1. Smudge Stick - you can get one from here, light it then blow out any flame. You can now pass your crystal through the smoke a few times to clear it. Carefully stub out the smudge stick in the dish. 2. Using other crystals - lay your crystal on a selenite stone or clear quartz, citrine, amethyst (cluster/stone/chips) for at least 6 hours. 3. Brown Rice - Place your crystal on top of the brown rice...

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Palo Santo Smudging White Sage


Known as “Holy Wood” in Spanish, Palo Santo comes from South America and grows along the coastline of Peru. It is considered one of the most sacred trees to the Inca people. The Palo Santo can be used when the branches have fallen to the grounds naturally for years before they can be harvested.This sacred plant medicine is widely used for clearing and cleansing unwanted energy and is known to enhance creativity and bring good fortune. Its beautiful sweet and fresh smell with hints of mints and citrus not only offers a crisp aroma, but has the healing properties of...

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What to do while in Isolation...


What to do while in Isolation...

With the world practising self-isolation and social distancing amid the corona virus pandemic, all individuals in the Australia have been urged to work from home if they can. But staying in can be just as fun and productive as going out, set up your home as your little haven retreat. Staying on top of your physical, mental and emotional health is vital and we got a bunch of ideas just for you (besides Neflixing)! ✨ Roll out your yoga mats and dumbbells. Download a few yoga and online fitness apps and do a session from the comfort of your own home. Stay...

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What is Twin Flame?

What is Twin Flame?

Twin Flame or Twin Soul is a person who you feel deeply connected to on all levels, whether it is physical, emotional, soul or spiritual level. Your Twin Flame is a friend, lover and teacher in past and current lifetimes that mirrors your beauty and strength, but also your hidden fears and shadows. The purpose of a twin flame union is to help each other grow on deep spiritual level. They are here to shed away the ego, to help face and heal wounded hearts, and to transform us into spiritual awakening beings. Every Twin Flame couple will have a...

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